Blockchains are linked blocks of data and each new block contains new information which is added, shared and stored by many computers on a network. For example if you buy bitcoin, the record of your ownership is stored in a new block of data on the bitcoin blockchain and all computers that are part of that bitcoin network, share and add that new block to the existing chain of blocks. Different cryptocurrencies mostly run on their respective blockchains. ETH runs on Ethereum and so on.
In order to hold a digital asset on a blockchain, investors need a digital wallet which is a secure and unique address on the blockchain.
The benefits of blockchains apply to many industries including Financial Services where, for example, blockchain technology has created the ability to instantly send and receive (instant settlement) cryptocurrencies across international boundaries. The traditional banking models typically take 1-2 days for settlement.
Cryptocurrency and Security Tokens transactions can be monitored on a blockchain explorer for real time or historical confirmation of completion, status or delays.
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